
SIRRA letter to IT - David Osborne - September 24, 2020

September 24, 2020 By email only Islands Trust Attention: Warren Dingman, Bylaw Compliance and Enforcement Manager Re: 198 Cliffside Road, Saturna, B.C. Dear Mr. Dingman Thanks for your email and letter of September 10, 2020 to me for SIRRA in response to ours of August 17, 2020 to the Trust. We did not receive it until September 17th as you know. We appreciate your information and will post it on our website for our members and the community. The question you have not addressed, #6 in our letter, is important.

Directors Minutes September 19, 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the directors of SIRRA held September 19, 2020 Present by 'Teams': David Osborne (president and Secretary), Mairead Boland (Vice-president), Colin Curwen (Treasurer), Michel Chiasson, Helen Wale, Serban Craioveanu Regrets: Jeanne Crerar Guest: Ron Hall 1. The meeting was called to order at 10:45 by David. He declared a quorum present. Our presence on traditional Coast Salish territory was acknowledged with thanks. He welcomed the directors. 2. The agenda was approved as circulated. 3. The minutes of July 18 and August 11, 2020 were approved as circulated.

Islands Trust response to SIRRA letter of Aug 17, 2020- September 10, 2020

10 September 2020 David Osborne President, for SIRRA 230 Cliffside Road, P.O. Box 47, Saturna, B.C. V0N2Y0 RE: 198 Cliffside Road, Saturna Island BC Dear David Osborne: Thank you for your letter dated August 17, 2020 addressed to Peter Luckham, Chair, Islands Trust Council, and Russ Hotsenpiller, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), in which you asked about the activates of JESCO at 198 Cliffside Road, Saturna Island. Specifically you asked: 1. What knowledge did Islands Trust have of this project, and when? 2.

JASCO response to SIRRA letter- August 25, 2020

August 25, 2020 David Osborne, President for SIRRA Saturna Island Ratepayers and Residents Association, 230 Cliffside Road, P.O. Box 47, Saturna Island, B.C. V0N 2Y0 Re: Letter from SIRRA to Islands Trust dated Aug. 17 regarding 198 Cliffside Road, Saturna Island, BC Dear Mr. Osborne and other members of SIRRA, We wish to comment on a letter from SIRRA to Islands Trust dated August 17 regarding our property and our involvement with a fully permitted hydrophone project that has components on our property.

SIRRA letter to IT re Jasco - David Osborne - August 17, 2020

August 17, 2020 Sent by email and post Peter Luckam, Chair, Islands Trust. Russ Hotsenpiller, Chief Administrative Officer, Islands Trust. 200 – 1627 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C. V8R 1H8 Dear Sirs: Re: 198 Cliffside Road, Saturna Island, B.C. We are the Saturna Island Ratepayers and Residents Association (SIRRA), a B.C. Society incorporated to represent the collective interests of residents of Saturna with government bodies.

Directors Minutes August 11, 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the directors of SIRRA held Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 Present: David Osborne, Michel Chiasson, Jeannie Crerar, Mairead Boland Regrets: Colin Curwen, Serban Craioveanu, Helen Wale Guest: Ron Hall 1. The meeting was called to order and a quorum noted. David agreed to chair and to take and circulate these minutes. 2. MOTION by David, seconded by Michel, that Ron Hall be appointed as a volunteer delegate from SIRRA to the Police Liaison Committee, to report back to the board from time to time in his discretion, or as requested by the board. Carried. 2.

Directors Minutes July 18, 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the Directors of SIRRA held July 18, 2020, by ZOOM conference. Present: Michel Chiasson, President; Mairead Boland, Vice-President; Ron Hall, Treasurer; David Osborne, Secretary; Jeannie Crerar, Serban Craioveanu, Helen Wale, Colin Curwen. Guest: Susie Washington-Smythe 1. The meeting was called to order at 3:03 PM by Michel. David agreed to chair the meeting and to take and circulate these minutes. Michel welcomed all the directors and declared a quorum present. Our presence on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Peoples was acknowledged with thanks. 2.

2020 SIRRA Directors and Officers July 18, 2020

Slate of Directors and Officers of SIRRA elected at the 2020 AGM: Ron Hall: 2011 to 2014; 2014 – 2017; 2017 -2020 (retired) Jeanne Crerar: 2014 – 2017; 2017 – 2020; 2020 – 2023 (re-elected) David Osborne: 2016 – 2019; 2019 – 2022 President and Secretary Michel Chiasson: 2018 – 2021 Mairead Boland: 2018 -2021 Vice-President Helen Wale: 2018 – 2021 Colin Curwen: 2019 – 2022 Treasurer