Parks Canada open house - report - August 22, 2010

Parks Canada open house - report - August 22, 2010

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A Brief Summary of the Parks Canada Open House on Saturna:

Parks Canada hosted a Community Café Open House on Aug 22, 2009 at the Recreational Centre. The purpose of the community event was to provide an update on the state of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, 5 years since creation, and to allow for input on future planning and management.

The café format presents an open and casual format in which attendees can express opinions on a variety of topics. The arrangement consisted primarily of themed tables with paper tablecloths on which thoughts and opinions could be expressed by simply writing on the tabletop.

Several Parks Canada staff attended, including Wayne Bourke, GINPR Superintendent, and made themselves available to take questions and receive input.

Parks Canada presented a number of reference documents and provided take-away copies of documents such as GINPR Priorities for 2009/10.

In addition to the tables, there were a variety of wall-mounted displays. In particular there was a map of Saturna on which attendees could place their suggestions for new sustainable trail creation within the park.

On exit there was a questionnaire to be filled out where attendees could express opinions on effectiveness of the event and whether such events should be held in the future, along with any other comments they wished to submit.

Parks Canada will collate information collected at the Open House and present it at the next Saturna Island – Parks Canada Liaison Committee meeting to be held in October 2009.

If you were unable to attend and wish to express an opinion on any topic, Carolyn Stewart, Park and Community Planning Coordinator, welcomes your input via e-mail:

Café Tables:

  1. Awareness of Gulf Islands Park Initiatives
  1. Issues for Management Planning
  1. Stewardship Messages
  1. What are the Critical Needs at:

· Tumbo Island

· Cabbage Island

· East Point

  1. What are the Critical Needs at:

· Winter Cove

· Narvaez Bay

· Central Block (mid-island)

  1. What are the Critical Needs at:

· Mt. Warburton Pike

· Taylor Point

· Lyall Creek

  1. Participation

· How do you want to participate with Parks Canada in things like:

o development of Park management plan

o visitor experience and recreational activity planning

o ecological integrity projects

o cultural heritage programs

  1. How can We Strengthen the Saturna Island – Parks Canada Relationship?


· Saturna Island – Parks Canada Liaison Committee

· Community Planning Projects

o Interim Management Guidelines

§ Open House + Workshops

o Area Planning

§ Open House + Workshops

o Community Events

§ e.g. Lamb BBQ

o Articles in Saturn Scribbler

o Interpretive Program

  1. What do You Value?

· What do you value most about Gulf Islands National Park Reserve?

· What might best describe Gulf Islands National Park Reserve for you?

  1. Experiencing the Park Reserve

· What is your experience in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve?
